Sunday, July 5, 2009

So these are some fun pictures from a surprise Birthday party that we threw for one of the guys!

On Wednesday nights that guys usually make the girls apartments dinner. Josh, the birthday boy, thought that he was coming to escort our apartment down to dinner instead we surprised him with a Birthday party. His roommates did a great job and actually set the table in their apartment and everything to make sure he didn't know that anything was going on! He was so surprised! We made an awesome dinner and cake and everything. It was a blast!

Micah and Josh decided that they needed to dance! Two of the guys here are swing dancers and so they have been giving lessons every now and then. Josh and Micah were showing off their skills! The first lesson there were actually more guys than girls that showed up for dance lessons!

This is me and my roommate Rachel! She is wonderful!

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About Me

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It's funny the things that we learn as we grow. And I don't just mean as we get older, I mean as we learn about ourselves, our world, and our God. I am 25 and I am learning that the circumstances of life are unpredictable. However the presence of God in those curcumstances, in my life and in my heart, is more constatnt even then the rising sun. God is the creator, fullfiller, and motivator of my dreams and desires. His presence is the key to their success and value, and his presence is the joy of my life. This blog is to share as he pursues me and I learn to abide in his presence.