Thursday, January 31, 2008

Value Check

So I don't have any fun or grose stories for this week. So instead I want to do a value check, meaning I want to take a moment to remember our value. It is so easy to get caught up in life and business and lose ourselves, and a part of that is losing sight of who we are and how much we are loved. There are many verses about this, but I have a favorite. Some of you know this.

Zephaniah 3:17 says this "For the Lord your God is with you! He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, and he will quiet you with his love, And he will rejoice over you with singing!"

These are promises! The God of the universe rejoices over us! He protects us! He is always with us! And He DELIGHTS in us! What an amazing priviledge. So lets take it one step further and make it just a bit more personal. He rejoices over you! He protects you! He is always with you! And he DELIGHTS in you!

I hope that in the midst of business...ok lets be honest insanity, the ocasional bout of confusion that bogs us down, and the doubt that is our companion more than we like to admit...remember that you are dearly loved and that is a part of your identity that never has to be confusing or doubted. It is sure.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Great Times

So after an unbelievably grose evening and I mean that entirly literally, this movie and some quality roommate time were a fabulous cure to a stinky day. And when I say stinky I mean the kind of stinky that happens when your sewage backs up into your basement, spills out from under your washer and dryer, and then soaks into all of the clothes that you were planing on cleaning. However, after a chaty Roto Rooter guy stopped by fixed and cleaned up everything, my roommates and I setteled down to a Dewey's pizza and the oh so entertaining "Hairspray". This combination was an incredibly pleasant end to what was looking like a not so pleasent evening. So I am going to take a couple of moments here for thank yous:
1. Thank you to the Roto Rooter guy who not only fixed the issue but spared my roommates and I from the anticipted clean up. We owe you one.
2.Thanks to my roommates Jenna and Tori for enjoying a pizza and a movie with me. It is my favorite form of therapy, and good company always makes it that much better!:)
3. Thank you to Dewey's for making such incredily wonderful pizza.
4. And thank you to the producers and all those included in the making of "Hairspray" which is a wonderful film with fabulous music, energizing coreography, and of course some interesting points.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Kudos to childhood pass-times that never grow old!

So I am sitting inside at the Ronald McDonald House thinking that a good swing would be fabulous. This may seem silly to some but the fact of the matter is that there are some things that you just don't grow out of. One such thing is the feeling of reaching for the sky and feeling just a little closer to it for a moment. My absolute favorite is swing at night, when all the stars are out. I feel free, a little like a child, and for a couple of moments all of the things that I have too, need to, or want to do are forgotten. The night sky has also always left me in awe, and despite the enormity of it, it always makes me feel a little closer to the one who created it and me for that matter. I feel surrounded, held, and I love that feeling. So heres to my childhood pass time of swinging, which I hope to never forget to make time for in my adulthood.

What the heck?

Well hello all! This is new to me but it seems like fun. Dana you have inspired me!...sadly I think that that is all I have to say for now.:( Alright will do better next time.

About Me

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It's funny the things that we learn as we grow. And I don't just mean as we get older, I mean as we learn about ourselves, our world, and our God. I am 25 and I am learning that the circumstances of life are unpredictable. However the presence of God in those curcumstances, in my life and in my heart, is more constatnt even then the rising sun. God is the creator, fullfiller, and motivator of my dreams and desires. His presence is the key to their success and value, and his presence is the joy of my life. This blog is to share as he pursues me and I learn to abide in his presence.