Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Long and Short of It!

K, So here's the deal, a couple of years ago I moved back to the great STL to go to Webster University. My first two roommates were Melissa and Adrienne. Then, in a wonderful turn of events Melissa had the wedding of her dreams and moved to Cinncinati. And then there were two...looking for a third. In comes Bekah Baker. And then, once again, there were three, me, Adrienne, and Bekah. Next came the unfolding of wonderful events that lead to the engagement of Adrienne who then moved out. And in her place Bekah and I accepted Tori. Then a few months later there was Jenna. She was a friend who needed a place to live so naturally she moved in. So now its a couple months later still, and Bekah has announced that she wants to move week! Then, oh yes there is more good news, Jenna decides that she is going to move out because Bekah month, which you guessed it leaves me and Tori spliting a 930 dollar per month rent. This is clearly a sticky situation, which I am not excited about, but am sure will be fine. What increases the stickiness is that my jumbeled emotions are telling me that I am tiered of being left, and tierd of adjusting only to be left again. So if you know of anyone who needs a place to stay and by stay I am refering to more than a place to lay their head...Please, send them my way! P.S. Tori, I'm glad that you are staying!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So I honestly never though that I would say this, but lets talk about cake for a minuet. After all it is what I do and have been doing for the last year. Prior to this job I would say that I did not qualify as a cake person in any way. I didn't particualarly like to eat it, I had never considered baking one, and i certainly had never considered that the construction of a cake was extremly complex. But more importantly I didn't know that this four letter word could cause so much anger. I didn't realize that frosting a cake teal instead of terquoise could alter the temperature in the room by about 20 degrees because the woman in front of me is about to blow. I had no idea that in order to get 2 more cupcakes than policy allows someone would leave, walk out to their car, and then come back in and demand that extra 2 while explaining that the sign says "12 at a time" not "12 per day" or "12 per person". I had no idea that a singel cake order could be important enough to keep me on the phone multiple times per day for an entire week "ironing out the details". And I certianly had no idea that a wedding cake could be 5 tiers and serve 539 people and cost well over 1,000 dollars. The long and short if it is that I know better now. So when taking on things that seem to be the less important things of life such as cake, beware. What is water off a ducks back to you may cause another person to push up daisys prematurly.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

So here's the deal: Meet Shiloh my new, as of November that is, buddy. And believe me he is my buddy, in fact I commonly refer to him as my shadow. So My Shadow would never hurt a fly, except of course if it was an accident and then it seems that the fly that gets hurt is me. The other day I jumped on my bed and he followed. Unfortunately he slid and his back foot went up my shirt and left my back looking like a a scratching post. I asked my roommate how bad it looked and she said: "On the bright side you're not bleeding!" So note to self: when you get your dogs claws trimed make sure to have them filed. This way they are not so sharp and cannot cause harm. So I am extreamly happy with my new shadow and not so happy with his claws!

About Me

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It's funny the things that we learn as we grow. And I don't just mean as we get older, I mean as we learn about ourselves, our world, and our God. I am 25 and I am learning that the circumstances of life are unpredictable. However the presence of God in those curcumstances, in my life and in my heart, is more constatnt even then the rising sun. God is the creator, fullfiller, and motivator of my dreams and desires. His presence is the key to their success and value, and his presence is the joy of my life. This blog is to share as he pursues me and I learn to abide in his presence.