Saturday, January 19, 2008

Kudos to childhood pass-times that never grow old!

So I am sitting inside at the Ronald McDonald House thinking that a good swing would be fabulous. This may seem silly to some but the fact of the matter is that there are some things that you just don't grow out of. One such thing is the feeling of reaching for the sky and feeling just a little closer to it for a moment. My absolute favorite is swing at night, when all the stars are out. I feel free, a little like a child, and for a couple of moments all of the things that I have too, need to, or want to do are forgotten. The night sky has also always left me in awe, and despite the enormity of it, it always makes me feel a little closer to the one who created it and me for that matter. I feel surrounded, held, and I love that feeling. So heres to my childhood pass time of swinging, which I hope to never forget to make time for in my adulthood.


Dana & Ryan said...

Ah! Swinging. Definitely fun. I love the photo of you and Anna swinging at her first birthday. My swinging equivelant is bouncing! I am so excited that we are going to Bounce U tomorrow with the girls! They (but mostly me) will LOVE it!

ashley-irwin said...

that sounds great! I like bouncing too come to think of it. You deffinately get a little closer to flying that way.:) I hope that I can come but i don't think that I get off.:(

Dana & Ryan said...

From Dad:
Swinging - One of the few of your favorite things that I am not aware of. Probably because I can't think of it without feeling sick to my stomach.
Although I do remember bushing you to the sky many times when you were little. Mom says she did plenty of pushing at the swings too.
M and D

kelleyjordan said...

hi dear! yeah for blogs! im excited to read about your life and thoughts. i hope you are well ash. im in cali now, missing home but learning a lot. i love you and miss you! kel

About Me

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It's funny the things that we learn as we grow. And I don't just mean as we get older, I mean as we learn about ourselves, our world, and our God. I am 25 and I am learning that the circumstances of life are unpredictable. However the presence of God in those curcumstances, in my life and in my heart, is more constatnt even then the rising sun. God is the creator, fullfiller, and motivator of my dreams and desires. His presence is the key to their success and value, and his presence is the joy of my life. This blog is to share as he pursues me and I learn to abide in his presence.