Fund raising is always a tricky sort of thing. In fact I think that it is potentially one of the most unnatural endeavors for human kind. The average person does not like asking for help, but if you are going to put on a trivia night you better be willing because the list of details to consider is quite impressive. The average person does not like asking for money, but that is in fact the definition of fund raising. Nor does the average person appreciate the release of control that comes with admitting that you don't have the funds on your, and then relying on the generosity of others to make up for your deficit. In case you are wondering at this point, yes I am an average person. However, as I have embarked on this great fund raising adventure for the second time in my life I must say that there seems to be plenty of generosity to make up for my deficit. I don't like asking for money but there is a natural humility born from the need to ask for it and I am grateful for that. And there are more than enough people wanting to help to accommodate my impressive list, as well as add to it :), of details.
All this to say that my latest fund raising endeavor is putting on a trivia night. The irony of the situation is that putting on this "rack your brain to see just what's in it" event is racking my brain. Coming up with brain twisting yet reasonable questions is a brain twisting exercises in its self. And Raising money without spending any in the process definitely utilizes the right side of the brain requiring an impressive amount of creativity. But luckily, this is not so painful with multiple people putting the right sides of their brains together, which I am blessed to say has happened. So if the ambition to plan a trivia night ever strikes you, remember that half of your brain power is spent before the first question is read, but you are not alone, there are plenty of people willing to lend their brains to the effort.